Sunday, June 29, 2008

What is Monsanto really doing on Molokai?

By Kevin “KB” Brown
6/24/2008 8:07:05 PM

In response to the propaganda piece, “Molokai Monsanto takes part in three-point commitment” (June 11) something needs to be said about the real life activities of Monsanto. Hopefully you will go to some of the many Web sites, which document the facts.
Monsanto developed and produced chemicals such as Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT, recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone, Saccharin and Aspartame. These are all poisons, which have made huge profits for Monsanto, and each has caused countless deaths and crippling sickness around the world. Many of us here on Molokai have relatives who died or suffered the painful effects of these substances. Poison.
Nowadays, Monsanto focuses on developing genetically engineered seeds. Some of these seeds are very special in that they grow crops, which cannot self-reproduce. That is, you gotta buy new seeds from Monsanto. Imagine that — you grow a crop of beans, then, as farmers have done for eons, you save some seeds for planting in the next season and lo and behold, your seeds won’t grow beans.
As of this moment Monsanto has...