Moloka`i Ranch Warns Officials About August Deadline
POSTED: 4:01 pm HST June 4, 2008
UPDATED: 11:11 am HST June 5, 2008
Molokai Ranch, AKA Molokai Properties Limited is owned by GUOCO Group.
HONOLULU -- Moloka`i Ranch, which closed its resort and other commercial operations this spring, said it plans to terminate water and sewer service for more than 1,200 customers at the end of August.
The ranch said the state or Maui County should take over operations on Moloka`i and Maui's mayor is calling on the state to step in and help.
Mayor Charmaine Tavares said to expect Maui County taxpayers to take over the costs and liabilities of antiquated sewer and water systems is "irresponsible."
A spokesman for Gov. Linda Lingle said ...