6/17/2008 9:11:18 PM, Molokai News
County files complaints with state about West End water
In a move that may rectify the West End water saga and significantly impact the business operations of Molokai Properties Limited, Maui County Mayor Charmaine Tavares filed a complaint with the state Department of Health and the state Public Utilities Commission.
Brian Moto and Jane Lovell, corporation counsel for Maui County, alleged in the complaint filed with the PUC that should Molokai utility corporations Wailoa o Molokai, Molokai Public Utilities and Mosco, Inc., cease operations per its May 30 threat, customers, including the county “will suffer immediate and irreparable harm.” The pair alleged, “Cessation of these services would cause an unprecedented public health catastrophe as well as irreparable harm to the Molokai economy.”
The three corporations are owned by Molokai Properties Limited, a subsidiary of international conglomerate Guoco Leisure, Ltd.
State Sen. J. Kalani English said Sunday that he will back Tavares all the way. He says his office is...