A recent Freedom of Information Request processed by the State of Hawaii reveals that the Maui County Democratic Party Media Chair, Lance Collins, aka Lance D. Collins, aka Lance "Kavika" Collins has taken more than $140,000.00 dollars from the State of Hawaii's, non-profit, Public Access Television Provider, Akaku: Maui Community Television.
Single handedly, Lance Collins appears to have outclassed his mentor and Jedi Master, Attorney Isaac Hall. As previous holder of Maui's Most Shameless Lawyer Award, Mr. Hall attained his status after levering $70,000.00 dollars of public tax dollars from the State of Hawaii Treasury, after not actually saving any whales, without actually saving any aina, and not actually even stopping any SuperFerries. What makes Mr. Hall's accomplishment most notable is that he did all of this, (or didn't do any of it as the case may be,) whilst gunning as paid litigator for Molokai Ranch, represented the stated interests of Tri San Quek Leng Chan's, GUOCO Group, to rape La`au Point, turn off Molokai's water utilities and screw not just Hawaiians, but even the predominately wealthy, (and predominately white) West End Condo and Resort Owners that they actually convinced to "buy" land here last time the Molokai Ranch passed GO>.
Congratulations Lance Collins! You truly now represent Maui's most greedy and corrupt lawyer, having managed to extract twice as many tax dollars from the public trust, in half the amount of time as the awards previous holder. Akaku CEO Jay April has given you more than 10% of Akaku's entire yearly budget, to just pose, in Judge August's Courtroom! And, to manage this exclusively while attempting to exempt yourself from State Law, well...
Lance D. Collins, You are Truly Maui's Most Shameless Lawyer.