The Maui News
July 6, 2008
Kimokeo Kapahulehua and George Rixey gathered Thursday at Kihei Canoe Club to review a shopping list for their trek through the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The list included 625 eggs, lots of other protein and all kinds of carbohydrates, including “pastas, casseroles, rice, chili, bagels, oatmeal, oranges, orange juice, preserved fruits and yogurt,” Woodburn said.
The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photo
Fact Box
Transarchipelago voyage - the final leg
Monday Depart Hanalei Bay, Kauai, for 1,250-mile commute aboard the Lady Alice to waters off Laysan Island.
July 12-15 - Nonstop 480-mile paddle from Laysan to Kure Atoll, with crew members paddling in one-hour shifts, with rests in the escort vessel.
July 16-21 or 22 -
1,750-mile return commute aboard Lady Alice to Hanalei.
Information at Web site: hocvs.org
Send donations made to the nonprofit Hawaiian
Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society to 33 Wahelani St.; Kula 96790.
As a 1,670-mile transarchipelago voyage in a six-person outrigger canoe culminates this month, challenges persist - not the least of which is construction of bunks for 16 paddlers on the deck of the escort vessel.
"We've had to essentially build our accommodations on the Lady Alice because it's a fishing boat set up and designed to catch fish, not paddlers," said Jamie Woodburn of Kula, logistics guru of the Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society, speaking by phone Wednesday from Oahu.
"Right now we're working to...