Collected data to be used to assess sites for wind power
POSTED: July 14, 2008
The Maui News
One of seven meteorological towers stands on Lanai, with guy wire supports. The towers will remain in place for as much as two years to gather wind-pattern data to determine a site for a wind power generation facility. Landowner Castle & Cooke is seeking state and federal permits for the towers, which could harm endangered and threatened birds.
Photo by BILL STANDLEY, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
LANAI CITY - A draft habitat conservation plan and environmental assessment are available for public review as part of an application by Castle & Cooke Resorts for the construction and operation of seven meteorological towers on Lanai.
The towers will be used for as much as two years to collect data on wind patterns to assess whether sites could sustain a wind power generation facility.
The conservation plan and environmental assessment are part of Castle & Cooke's application for an "incidental take" permit, which is required when ...