POSTED: July 15, 2008
The Maui News
During World War II there wasn't enough water to slake the thirst of all the military personnel on tiny Midway Island. The solution was a water barge. The barge was regularly towed between Oahu and Midway with its liquid cargo. The barge was later wrecked and now sits on the bottom of a channel through the reef at Midway.
The barge story popped into memory after seeing the latest reports from the Maui County Department of Water Supply. Director Jeff Eng - and surely Mayor Charmaine Tavares - is considering placing the county under water use restrictions.
Eng thanked those who are cutting down on the use of water - largely for irrigation since it is difficult to make drastic cuts in household use - but there are still too many individuals trying to turn desert locations into rain forests.
As usual, ...