Monday, July 7, 2008

Maui AJA Veterans distribute $10,000 for higher education

The Maui News
July 6, 2008

SPRECKELSVILLE - The Maui AJA Veterans Inc. awarded 10 $1,000 scholarships to Class of 2008 members of local high schools.

Among recipients of the annual scholarship was Courtney Miyamoto, who was the Chrysanthemum Ball Queen in 2006. The scholarships are funded in part by proceeds from the annual event, whose name was changed to the Chrysanthemum Festival last year. The contestant who gathers the most donations for the veterans group earns the crown.

Miyamoto graduated in May from Baldwin High School and plans to study biology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her parents are Michael and Joyce Miyamoto.

The other 2008 Maui AJA Veterans Scholars, along with their school, educational plans, and parents or guardians, are:...