Beach wedding permits, fishing bounds, other rules hashed out
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
POSTED: July 17, 2008
‘If you’re standing in sand, it’s probably state land and you need a permit.’
— Laura Thielen, state Board of Land and Natural Resources chairwoman
WAILUKU - The Department of Land and Natural Resources is sticking to its position that weddings - just like any other commercial operations - need a right-of-entry permit if they are going to use unencumbered state land.
Although beach weddings are a hot-button issue, ...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Most of the Ahihi-Kinau reserve will close Aug. 1
Pristine resources need the protection from overcrowding
POSTED: July 16, 2008
The Maui News
Public access to portions of the Ahihi-Kinau Natural Area Reserve will be closed for two years beginning Aug. 1, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources has announced.
Officials will close off access to the majority of the 2,000-acre reserve between Ahihi and La Perouse bays. Prohibited areas will include unofficial trails to Kalua o Lapa, Kalaeloa, popularly known as "the Aquarium," and Mokuha, also known as "the Fishbowl."
Access to northern portions of the reserve most used by the public will remain open during visiting hours from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily. Some of these open areas are Waiala Cove and the coastal area along Ahihi Bay and the "Dumps" surf break.
Pat Borge, a member of a citizens advisory committee for the reserve, said ...
POSTED: July 16, 2008
The Maui News
Public access to portions of the Ahihi-Kinau Natural Area Reserve will be closed for two years beginning Aug. 1, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources has announced.
Officials will close off access to the majority of the 2,000-acre reserve between Ahihi and La Perouse bays. Prohibited areas will include unofficial trails to Kalua o Lapa, Kalaeloa, popularly known as "the Aquarium," and Mokuha, also known as "the Fishbowl."
Access to northern portions of the reserve most used by the public will remain open during visiting hours from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily. Some of these open areas are Waiala Cove and the coastal area along Ahihi Bay and the "Dumps" surf break.
Pat Borge, a member of a citizens advisory committee for the reserve, said ...
Molokai residents air complaints to PUC
Hearing draws about 150, fewer than 10 testify — county official
POSTED: July 16, 2008
The Maui News
Molokai residents took their complaints Tuesday about possible rate increases for water and sewer service to the state body that proposed the hikes as an emergency measure, the Public Utilities Commission.
About 150 people went to the 2-hour public hearing at Maunaloa Elementary School. However, fewer than 10 people testified, said county spokeswoman Mahina Martin.
The commission will likely have a decision about the rates on or about Aug. 14, said Stacey Djou, the panel's chief legal counsel.
The commission has said it needs to ...
POSTED: July 16, 2008
The Maui News
Molokai residents took their complaints Tuesday about possible rate increases for water and sewer service to the state body that proposed the hikes as an emergency measure, the Public Utilities Commission.
About 150 people went to the 2-hour public hearing at Maunaloa Elementary School. However, fewer than 10 people testified, said county spokeswoman Mahina Martin.
The commission will likely have a decision about the rates on or about Aug. 14, said Stacey Djou, the panel's chief legal counsel.
The commission has said it needs to ...
Maui Democrat Media Chair Lawyer Lance Collins Sues State for Violating Election Rules and His Fee
Filed Under: It Takes One to Know One
POSTED: July 16, 2008
The Maui News
WAILUKU - Five Maui residents have sued state Chief Elections Officer Kevin Cronin, alleging that proper rule-making procedures were not followed to permit electronic-voting machines or the use of Internet and phone lines to transmit vote results.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in 2nd Circuit Court by Wailuku attorney Lance Collins on behalf of residents Robert Babson Jr., Ann Babson, Joy Brann, Paula Brock and Daniel Grantham.
Cronin did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday.
The Hawaii Administrative Procedure Act requires a notice, public hearing and comment period before an agency may adopt rules applicable to members of the public, Collins said.
Administrative procedures were not followed to allow the Office of Elections to use electronic-voting machines or to use the Internet and/or telephone lines to transmit vote counts, he said.
Collins also maintains that current state law does not permit the Internet or phone lines to be used...
POSTED: July 16, 2008
The Maui News
WAILUKU - Five Maui residents have sued state Chief Elections Officer Kevin Cronin, alleging that proper rule-making procedures were not followed to permit electronic-voting machines or the use of Internet and phone lines to transmit vote results.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in 2nd Circuit Court by Wailuku attorney Lance Collins on behalf of residents Robert Babson Jr., Ann Babson, Joy Brann, Paula Brock and Daniel Grantham.
Cronin did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday.
The Hawaii Administrative Procedure Act requires a notice, public hearing and comment period before an agency may adopt rules applicable to members of the public, Collins said.
Administrative procedures were not followed to allow the Office of Elections to use electronic-voting machines or to use the Internet and/or telephone lines to transmit vote counts, he said.
Collins also maintains that current state law does not permit the Internet or phone lines to be used...
No choice: Close faucet
POSTED: July 15, 2008
The Maui News
During World War II there wasn't enough water to slake the thirst of all the military personnel on tiny Midway Island. The solution was a water barge. The barge was regularly towed between Oahu and Midway with its liquid cargo. The barge was later wrecked and now sits on the bottom of a channel through the reef at Midway.
The barge story popped into memory after seeing the latest reports from the Maui County Department of Water Supply. Director Jeff Eng - and surely Mayor Charmaine Tavares - is considering placing the county under water use restrictions.
Eng thanked those who are cutting down on the use of water - largely for irrigation since it is difficult to make drastic cuts in household use - but there are still too many individuals trying to turn desert locations into rain forests.
As usual, ...
The Maui News
During World War II there wasn't enough water to slake the thirst of all the military personnel on tiny Midway Island. The solution was a water barge. The barge was regularly towed between Oahu and Midway with its liquid cargo. The barge was later wrecked and now sits on the bottom of a channel through the reef at Midway.
The barge story popped into memory after seeing the latest reports from the Maui County Department of Water Supply. Director Jeff Eng - and surely Mayor Charmaine Tavares - is considering placing the county under water use restrictions.
Eng thanked those who are cutting down on the use of water - largely for irrigation since it is difficult to make drastic cuts in household use - but there are still too many individuals trying to turn desert locations into rain forests.
As usual, ...
Makena park privately owned
POSTED: July 14, 2008
The Maui News
Makena Landing has a long and colorful history.
The S.S. Kilauea, the first regularly scheduled interisland steamer, dropped anchor in the bay on its maiden trip so King Kalakaua could visit Rose Ranch, the predecessor to Ulupalakua Ranch. Rose Ranch owner James Makee arranged to have the king met by 150 horseman and a torch-light procession for the the five-mile trip up to the ranch.
Keawala'i Congregational Church was founded in 1832 and built of coral blocks from nearby reefs in 1855. The church was named for the cove fronting the church.
Until 1923, an interisland steamer - usually the Mikihala and sometimes the Likelike - dropped anchor in the bay each Wednesday and Saturday. Before World War II, residents of the area would spread a net for a hukilau on Saturdays. There was a one-room schoolhouse on the mauka side of the road. Until the 1930s, cowboys would swim cattle out into the bay, where they would be hoisted aboard ships.
Until World War II when the military improved a rough coast road to La Perouse, Makena was largely isolated, connected to the outside by the ocean, the King's Trail to Kihei and a dirt road up to Ulupalakua. The ranch road was closed to the public in the 1980s due to a maintenance dispute between the ranch and the county.
It comes as a shock to learn that the Makena Landing Park, with its boat ramp, showers, toilets and parking, is privately owned and maintained. A greater shock is that the county could have assumed ownership but didn't. No matter how ...
The Maui News
Makena Landing has a long and colorful history.
The S.S. Kilauea, the first regularly scheduled interisland steamer, dropped anchor in the bay on its maiden trip so King Kalakaua could visit Rose Ranch, the predecessor to Ulupalakua Ranch. Rose Ranch owner James Makee arranged to have the king met by 150 horseman and a torch-light procession for the the five-mile trip up to the ranch.
Keawala'i Congregational Church was founded in 1832 and built of coral blocks from nearby reefs in 1855. The church was named for the cove fronting the church.
Until 1923, an interisland steamer - usually the Mikihala and sometimes the Likelike - dropped anchor in the bay each Wednesday and Saturday. Before World War II, residents of the area would spread a net for a hukilau on Saturdays. There was a one-room schoolhouse on the mauka side of the road. Until the 1930s, cowboys would swim cattle out into the bay, where they would be hoisted aboard ships.
Until World War II when the military improved a rough coast road to La Perouse, Makena was largely isolated, connected to the outside by the ocean, the King's Trail to Kihei and a dirt road up to Ulupalakua. The ranch road was closed to the public in the 1980s due to a maintenance dispute between the ranch and the county.
It comes as a shock to learn that the Makena Landing Park, with its boat ramp, showers, toilets and parking, is privately owned and maintained. A greater shock is that the county could have assumed ownership but didn't. No matter how ...
Towers plan open for review
Collected data to be used to assess sites for wind power
POSTED: July 14, 2008
The Maui News
One of seven meteorological towers stands on Lanai, with guy wire supports. The towers will remain in place for as much as two years to gather wind-pattern data to determine a site for a wind power generation facility. Landowner Castle & Cooke is seeking state and federal permits for the towers, which could harm endangered and threatened birds.
Photo by BILL STANDLEY, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
LANAI CITY - A draft habitat conservation plan and environmental assessment are available for public review as part of an application by Castle & Cooke Resorts for the construction and operation of seven meteorological towers on Lanai.
The towers will be used for as much as two years to collect data on wind patterns to assess whether sites could sustain a wind power generation facility.
The conservation plan and environmental assessment are part of Castle & Cooke's application for an "incidental take" permit, which is required when ...
POSTED: July 14, 2008
The Maui News
One of seven meteorological towers stands on Lanai, with guy wire supports. The towers will remain in place for as much as two years to gather wind-pattern data to determine a site for a wind power generation facility. Landowner Castle & Cooke is seeking state and federal permits for the towers, which could harm endangered and threatened birds.
Photo by BILL STANDLEY, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
LANAI CITY - A draft habitat conservation plan and environmental assessment are available for public review as part of an application by Castle & Cooke Resorts for the construction and operation of seven meteorological towers on Lanai.
The towers will be used for as much as two years to collect data on wind patterns to assess whether sites could sustain a wind power generation facility.
The conservation plan and environmental assessment are part of Castle & Cooke's application for an "incidental take" permit, which is required when ...
Branching out; firmly rooted

The Maui News
Hoalani Arriaga, 11, of Hana.
The Maui News / AMANDA COWAN photo
Hoalani Arriaga, 11, of Hana finds a seat in the branches of a windswept tree at Baldwin Beach Park while enjoying a sunny day Friday.
Hoalani was among 50 local kids who were at the beach to ...
Attorney slated to fill 2nd Circuit vacancy
POSTED: July 15, 2008
The Maui News
HONOLULU - Attorney Kelsey Kawano has been appointed by Chief Justice Ronald Moon to serve as a District Court judge in the 2nd Circuit.
Kawano fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Douglas Ige. The appointment is subject to confirmation by the state Senate.
Kawano has been in private practice since 1984 and a ...
The Maui News
HONOLULU - Attorney Kelsey Kawano has been appointed by Chief Justice Ronald Moon to serve as a District Court judge in the 2nd Circuit.
Kawano fills a vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Douglas Ige. The appointment is subject to confirmation by the state Senate.
Kawano has been in private practice since 1984 and a ...
Countywide water cutbacks possible
Ditches alarmingly low and prospects for rainfall bleak
POSTED: July 13, 2008 Save | Print | Email | Read comments | Post a comment
WAILUKU - Mandatory countywide water use restrictions are being considered by the Department of Water Supply as ditches that capture stream water drop to alarmingly low levels and the prospects for more rainfall are bleak.
"Although (the community) has been conserving and doing a great job, the situation I believe needs more, and that's what we're looking at," Water Director Jeff Eng said Saturday.
Water use is down, indicating the public has been trying to conserve. But, Eng said, the department is "extremely concerned about...
POSTED: July 13, 2008 Save | Print | Email | Read comments | Post a comment
WAILUKU - Mandatory countywide water use restrictions are being considered by the Department of Water Supply as ditches that capture stream water drop to alarmingly low levels and the prospects for more rainfall are bleak.
"Although (the community) has been conserving and doing a great job, the situation I believe needs more, and that's what we're looking at," Water Director Jeff Eng said Saturday.
Water use is down, indicating the public has been trying to conserve. But, Eng said, the department is "extremely concerned about...
Enforcement essential to making laws work
The Maui News
Three Oahu men are accused of stealing river rocks from Iao Stream. The theft was reported by an off-duty officer in the Department of Land and Natural Resources Enforcement and Conservation Division. The rocks were found in pickup trucks ready to take the Superferry back to Honolulu.
The incident proved one of the ferry-opposition contentions - city folk would come to Maui to take what they could no longer find on Oahu. The contention was further underlined by ...
Three Oahu men are accused of stealing river rocks from Iao Stream. The theft was reported by an off-duty officer in the Department of Land and Natural Resources Enforcement and Conservation Division. The rocks were found in pickup trucks ready to take the Superferry back to Honolulu.
The incident proved one of the ferry-opposition contentions - city folk would come to Maui to take what they could no longer find on Oahu. The contention was further underlined by ...
Luxury housing project started
Buildings boast environmentally friendly features
POSTED: July 13, 2008
The Maui News
MAKENA - A $220 million luxury housing project led by Maui developer Everett Dowling is now under way in South Maui.
Maluaka - formerly known to the public as Keaka - is a 69-unit development just south of the Maui Prince Hotel and mauka of the South Makena Golf Course's oceanfront 16th hole.
Grading work has been going on for several months. Dowling said actual construction should begin in early August on the project's 14 "green" buildings, which he pledged will be state of the art in environmental and energy conservation. The development should be finished by ...
POSTED: July 13, 2008
The Maui News
MAKENA - A $220 million luxury housing project led by Maui developer Everett Dowling is now under way in South Maui.
Maluaka - formerly known to the public as Keaka - is a 69-unit development just south of the Maui Prince Hotel and mauka of the South Makena Golf Course's oceanfront 16th hole.
Grading work has been going on for several months. Dowling said actual construction should begin in early August on the project's 14 "green" buildings, which he pledged will be state of the art in environmental and energy conservation. The development should be finished by ...
Residents want Hana house used for dialysis
Building upgrades, change in legal status needed
POSTED: July 13, 2008
The Maui News
A county-managed house in Hana is being eyed as an ideal place to administer dialysis, but the location comes with some challenges.
The house in Wakiu, near the entrance to the Hana Sanitary Landfill, is already occupied by a physician at Hana Health. Also, its legal status needs some bureaucratic tinkering and infrastructure upgrades need to be performed before it can be a home for group dialysis.
But Hana dialysis supporters are not discouraged and say it can be done.
There has been an outcry for dialysis services in rural East Maui for a decade or more. Hana resident Lehua Cosma founded Hui Laulima O Hana in 2004, with a goal of bringing dialysis treatment to Hana. She had seen her mother, Cecelia "Cece" Park, endure the long drive to Central Maui three days a week for treatments. Hana patients and their caregivers say ...
POSTED: July 13, 2008
The Maui News
A county-managed house in Hana is being eyed as an ideal place to administer dialysis, but the location comes with some challenges.
The house in Wakiu, near the entrance to the Hana Sanitary Landfill, is already occupied by a physician at Hana Health. Also, its legal status needs some bureaucratic tinkering and infrastructure upgrades need to be performed before it can be a home for group dialysis.
But Hana dialysis supporters are not discouraged and say it can be done.
There has been an outcry for dialysis services in rural East Maui for a decade or more. Hana resident Lehua Cosma founded Hui Laulima O Hana in 2004, with a goal of bringing dialysis treatment to Hana. She had seen her mother, Cecelia "Cece" Park, endure the long drive to Central Maui three days a week for treatments. Hana patients and their caregivers say ...
Molokai Ranch Barring Access to Records
The Molokai Dispatch
MPL wants to raise water rates 178%.
It is reported that MPL employees were ordered to burn massive amounts of company files from Maunaloa offices shortly after the ranch announced its plans to shutdown operations. Policy makers have recently complained about impeded access to MPL’s water records.
Figuring out how to continue water service to central and west Molokai users has remained difficult and frustrating for State and County policy makers who have not been provided access to necessary information.
A June 24 Maui County letter to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) claims that only “sparse information” was provided by Molokai Properties Limited (MPL), also known as Molokai Ranch. It also reads that ...
Coral reefs need our help
July 12, 200
The Maui News
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report on the world's coral reefs - including Hawaii's - is the first detailed study to go beyond anecdotal evidence and patchy science to provide conclusive data. The conclusion is alarming. The reefs are dying.
Dave Allison of the advocacy group Oceanana said the entire world's coral reefs "border on disaster" due to short-term and long-term human impacts - overfishing, shoreline development, beach erosion, runoff and rising amounts of CO2 being absorbed. The carbon dioxide makes the ocean water more acidic and ...
The Maui News
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report on the world's coral reefs - including Hawaii's - is the first detailed study to go beyond anecdotal evidence and patchy science to provide conclusive data. The conclusion is alarming. The reefs are dying.
Dave Allison of the advocacy group Oceanana said the entire world's coral reefs "border on disaster" due to short-term and long-term human impacts - overfishing, shoreline development, beach erosion, runoff and rising amounts of CO2 being absorbed. The carbon dioxide makes the ocean water more acidic and ...
2nd Circuit Judge Joel August Makes Landfill Ruling
Right to sue affirmed in fill dispute
Residents can’t seek money for county’s ignoring of rules
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
POSTED: July 11, 2008
The Maui News
WAILUKU - In the Palama Drive legal dispute over construction fill, 2nd Circuit Judge Joel August ruled Thursday that residents have standing to ask the courts to tell the county to abide by its own ordinances.
At least, that would apply in land use disputes and if they have some immediate connection to the project. However, he also ruled that they cannot seek money damages from the county for past failures to follow the rules.
There are two Palama Drive-Maui Lani suits. One seeks a ...
Residents can’t seek money for county’s ignoring of rules
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
POSTED: July 11, 2008
The Maui News
WAILUKU - In the Palama Drive legal dispute over construction fill, 2nd Circuit Judge Joel August ruled Thursday that residents have standing to ask the courts to tell the county to abide by its own ordinances.
At least, that would apply in land use disputes and if they have some immediate connection to the project. However, he also ruled that they cannot seek money damages from the county for past failures to follow the rules.
There are two Palama Drive-Maui Lani suits. One seeks a ...
Molokai held hostage
July 11, 2008
The Maui News
Absentee landlords can be a major problem for the neighborhood and the county. That's an issue in the transient vacation rental controversy and it is the No. 1 issue on Molokai, where a foreign conglomerate apparently has decided hardball is the game to be played.
Molokai Properties Ltd., owned by Singapore-based conglomerate GuocoLeisure Ltd., has shut down the ranch, closed the golf course and is now threatening to turn off the water needed by 1,200 ...
The Maui News
Absentee landlords can be a major problem for the neighborhood and the county. That's an issue in the transient vacation rental controversy and it is the No. 1 issue on Molokai, where a foreign conglomerate apparently has decided hardball is the game to be played.
Molokai Properties Ltd., owned by Singapore-based conglomerate GuocoLeisure Ltd., has shut down the ranch, closed the golf course and is now threatening to turn off the water needed by 1,200 ...
MPL won’t let county examine facilities
Tavares asks Lingle to issue formal emergency declaration
The Maui News
POSTED: July 10, 2008
WAILUKU - Molokai Properties Ltd. wants Maui County to take over its money-losing utilities on the Friendly Isle, but it won't let county public works or water inspectors examine the aging facilities.
County Council Member Danny Mateo, who holds the Molokai residency seat, and Mayor Charmaine Tavares spoke with more than 200 Molokai residents Tuesday evening at the Mitchell Pauole Center in Kaunakakai to address community fears that as of Sept. 1, west side utility customers won't be able to turn on their taps or flush their toilets.
"It's just been hard going," Mateo said of the contentious showdown between the county and Molokai Properties, the owners of the island's former largest employer, Molokai Ranch. "We don't even know how much it would cost, except millions."
The company has called on the county to ...
The Maui News
POSTED: July 10, 2008
WAILUKU - Molokai Properties Ltd. wants Maui County to take over its money-losing utilities on the Friendly Isle, but it won't let county public works or water inspectors examine the aging facilities.
County Council Member Danny Mateo, who holds the Molokai residency seat, and Mayor Charmaine Tavares spoke with more than 200 Molokai residents Tuesday evening at the Mitchell Pauole Center in Kaunakakai to address community fears that as of Sept. 1, west side utility customers won't be able to turn on their taps or flush their toilets.
"It's just been hard going," Mateo said of the contentious showdown between the county and Molokai Properties, the owners of the island's former largest employer, Molokai Ranch. "We don't even know how much it would cost, except millions."
The company has called on the county to ...
Funds to boost STEM programs
POSTED: July 10, 2008
The Maui News
Gov. Linda Lingle released $300,000 Wednesday to the Maui Economic Development Board for the development of a new center aimed at encouraging careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
The money, first appropriated in May 2007, will be used to complete the construction of the Ke Alahele Science and Technology Center at the MEDB office building in the Maui Research & Technology Park in Kihei. The funds will also be used to extend the program outreach to rural communities including Lanai, Molokai and Hana.
Maui Economic Development Board has been operating Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and training programs since 1999 for high school girls and minorities as well as education-to-work- force projects for potential employees in the designated fields.
The STEM programs have received millions of dollars in federal appropriations sponsored by U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, including a $1 million grant in fiscal 2008 to pay for ...
The Maui News
Gov. Linda Lingle released $300,000 Wednesday to the Maui Economic Development Board for the development of a new center aimed at encouraging careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
The money, first appropriated in May 2007, will be used to complete the construction of the Ke Alahele Science and Technology Center at the MEDB office building in the Maui Research & Technology Park in Kihei. The funds will also be used to extend the program outreach to rural communities including Lanai, Molokai and Hana.
Maui Economic Development Board has been operating Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and training programs since 1999 for high school girls and minorities as well as education-to-work- force projects for potential employees in the designated fields.
The STEM programs have received millions of dollars in federal appropriations sponsored by U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, including a $1 million grant in fiscal 2008 to pay for ...
Independence Day Marlin Tips the Scales
Captain Clay Ching, a local charter fisherman, is known to get lucky when it comes to fish. This past Fourth of July he got 533 lbs. of lucky when his crew landed a beautiful Pacific Blue Marlin.
Ching, aided by his son Josiah, hosted a ...
Molokai Girls Volleyball Finishes on Top
The Molokai Dispatch
The girls of Kime Ka La outplayed 16 teams to capture the gold medal at the Aloha State Games Women’s B division on June 29.
June turned out to be a winning month for the Molokai Girls Volleyball Club. Playing on Oahu, which hosts the largest club region in the state, Kime Ka La came out on top in two of the three largest, most competitive and highly respected tournaments in the state.
On June 7 to 9, the club played in ...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
LOLDCATS! Maui Democrats Party Media Chair Lance D. Collins Can Has Hitler Cartoonz

Inanity From a U.H. Activist and the Honolulu Weekly
By Stuart K. Hayashi, 9/16/2003
Ka Leo O Hawaii accusing U.H. students of censorship and attacking the first amendment, when they complained about Ka Leo Opinions editor Lance Collins wasting their student dues by using that money to print cartoons saying "Hitler Wasn't Such a Bad Guy."
Collins "explained" that the cartoons weren't bigoted, because they did not actually endorse racism; they were only meant to insinuate that all non-leftists are racists who admire Hitler. Oh, thanks Lance, how unbigoted. Yes, he actually did expect students to swallow this.
Collins didn't pull it off, but hardly anyone questioned Professor Hartwell's assumption that it's free speech to take the student's money to run a student newspaper that is supposed to be the student's property, and then completely ignore them when they complain about their money being wasted so abominably.
That would indicate that the U.H. student newspaper was not in the possession of the students at the time, but was commandeered by the Opinions editor with tacit approval from academic advisor Jay Hartwell. (Much to the relief of the U.H. students who tired of the vulgarity of the U.H. newspaper's Opinions section in spring 2003, the paper got rid of Collins and hired a new Opinions editor.)
It is not free speech to successfully lobby a government to expropriate money .... and public-fund-wasters like Lance Collins remain publicly unrepentant. ...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
State Court Raises Bar! Lying Lawyer Loses License for Life.
State Court Raises Bar! Lying Lawyer Loses License for Life.
July 9, 2008
...Bar has recommended disbarment for a period of ten (10) years. This Court respectfully declines to follow the Bar’s recommendation... This case involves factual findings of cumulative misconduct, a repeated pattern of behavior relentlessly forced upon numerous unconnected individuals, a total lack of remorse or even slight acknowledgement of inappropriate conduct...
Additionally, the Court is taking into consideration a review of the Respondent’s conduct not only as proven by the evidence, but by what this Court has witnessed of the Respondent’s behavior throughout the eighteen (18) months of litigation. The undersigned finds no evidence whatsoever to indicate that the Respondent is amenable to rehabilitation, or even remotely appreciates the basis upon which a need or purpose for such rehabilitation is warranted...
Over a very extended period of time involving a number of totally unrelated cases and individuals, the Respondent has demonstrated a pattern of conduct to strike out harshly, extensively, repeatedly and willfully to simply try to bring as much difficulty, distraction and anguish to those he considers in opposition to his causes. He does not proceed within the guidelines of appropriate professional behavior, but rather uses other means available to intimidate, harass, or bring public disrepute to those whom he perceives oppose him.
Thus, after careful consideration of the underlying facts in the instant cases, together with the Florida Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions, the applicable aggravating and mitigating factors and the precedent case law, this Court makes the following recommendations for John Bruce Thompson:
A. Permanent disbarment, with no leave to reapply for admission.
B. Disciplinary costs currently totaling $43,675.35.
July 9, 2008
...Bar has recommended disbarment for a period of ten (10) years. This Court respectfully declines to follow the Bar’s recommendation... This case involves factual findings of cumulative misconduct, a repeated pattern of behavior relentlessly forced upon numerous unconnected individuals, a total lack of remorse or even slight acknowledgement of inappropriate conduct...
Additionally, the Court is taking into consideration a review of the Respondent’s conduct not only as proven by the evidence, but by what this Court has witnessed of the Respondent’s behavior throughout the eighteen (18) months of litigation. The undersigned finds no evidence whatsoever to indicate that the Respondent is amenable to rehabilitation, or even remotely appreciates the basis upon which a need or purpose for such rehabilitation is warranted...
Over a very extended period of time involving a number of totally unrelated cases and individuals, the Respondent has demonstrated a pattern of conduct to strike out harshly, extensively, repeatedly and willfully to simply try to bring as much difficulty, distraction and anguish to those he considers in opposition to his causes. He does not proceed within the guidelines of appropriate professional behavior, but rather uses other means available to intimidate, harass, or bring public disrepute to those whom he perceives oppose him.
Thus, after careful consideration of the underlying facts in the instant cases, together with the Florida Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions, the applicable aggravating and mitigating factors and the precedent case law, this Court makes the following recommendations for John Bruce Thompson:
A. Permanent disbarment, with no leave to reapply for admission.
B. Disciplinary costs currently totaling $43,675.35.
Molokai Video Game Developer Releases First Free Hawaiian Video Game

Rocket Science
The Maui Media Lab Newsletter
"WATERBALL," the first free Hawaiian Video Game has just been released by Maui Media Lab's Moloka`i Video Game Development Center. Hemo Wai, WATERBALL features an Hawaiian Ahupua`a, a happy penguin, a bunch of pogs and a ball made of water in a whimsical adaptation of your favorite pinball machines and video games using Maui Media Lab LLC's locally developed, free software platform. WATERBALL gives you the responsibility to manage the water from the top of the mountain, through orchards, fields and loi, to the reef, and beyond...! Play for free, but DON`T LET THE WATER RUN!
Play WATERBALL at for free on your PC, Macintosh, or now even on your iPhone or iPod!
Maui Media Lab LLC is a locally owned and operated Qualified High Technology Business (QHTB) certified by the State of Hawai`i.
Moloka`i Mo' Bettah!
Local expertise needed for sea
The Maui News
July 8, 2008
Mess with Mother Nature - particularly nearshore waters - and you're sure to run into one of Newton's laws - for every action there is an equal reaction. Since so little is known about how the ocean floor is affected by storms and work on the shoreline, messing with Mother Nature can also result in unintended consequences.
Those who know say the only sure way to maintain beaches is to move all building away from the shoreline since the formation of inland dunes helps hold shoreline sand during periods when there is natural erosion and replenishment. Of course, humans being humans, they want to build as close to the water as possible, and when property starts disappearing they want to hold the line with seawalls, groins and other armoring.
Those who know say armoring coastlines just results in less beach - if not on the spot, then down the coast a bit. The jury is still out on various methods of replacing sand that has disappeared.
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources has approved an experimental beach...
July 8, 2008
Mess with Mother Nature - particularly nearshore waters - and you're sure to run into one of Newton's laws - for every action there is an equal reaction. Since so little is known about how the ocean floor is affected by storms and work on the shoreline, messing with Mother Nature can also result in unintended consequences.
Those who know say the only sure way to maintain beaches is to move all building away from the shoreline since the formation of inland dunes helps hold shoreline sand during periods when there is natural erosion and replenishment. Of course, humans being humans, they want to build as close to the water as possible, and when property starts disappearing they want to hold the line with seawalls, groins and other armoring.
Those who know say armoring coastlines just results in less beach - if not on the spot, then down the coast a bit. The jury is still out on various methods of replacing sand that has disappeared.
The state Department of Land and Natural Resources has approved an experimental beach...
No rain leaves us less water
The Maui News
July 7, 2008
As long as there is water in the tap, a good flow from the shower and the toilet flushes, it's easy to forget just how critical the water situation is on Maui.
The island is edging from dry to parched. The summer and early fall months are traditionally the driest of the year, and 2008 is shaping up to be a drought year.
Being careful with the use of water should be second nature for everyone on Maui. Consumption can be cut by measures as simple as not letting the water run if not absolutely necessary, but the big use of domestic water is landscape irrigation. Spot watering and using drip rather than just hosing everything down can keep plants alive, if not thriving.
The dry conditions raise another problem that requires a watchful eye - fire. Brushy areas can go up in flames from the tiniest spark. Winds can drive those flames across hundreds of acres in less time than it takes to marshal the firefighters. Sugar cane fields are also vulnerable. It is a grass, after all, and the leaves in many fields are bone-dry.
Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. is...
July 7, 2008
As long as there is water in the tap, a good flow from the shower and the toilet flushes, it's easy to forget just how critical the water situation is on Maui.
The island is edging from dry to parched. The summer and early fall months are traditionally the driest of the year, and 2008 is shaping up to be a drought year.
Being careful with the use of water should be second nature for everyone on Maui. Consumption can be cut by measures as simple as not letting the water run if not absolutely necessary, but the big use of domestic water is landscape irrigation. Spot watering and using drip rather than just hosing everything down can keep plants alive, if not thriving.
The dry conditions raise another problem that requires a watchful eye - fire. Brushy areas can go up in flames from the tiniest spark. Winds can drive those flames across hundreds of acres in less time than it takes to marshal the firefighters. Sugar cane fields are also vulnerable. It is a grass, after all, and the leaves in many fields are bone-dry.
Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. is...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Free speech is free software
July 01, 2008
The Haleakala Times
by Sam Epstein
Declare your own Independence
There is lots of talk going around Maui these days about free speech. What it is, who is making it, who is abridging it, and about how much should free speech actually cost. Free speech refers to speech being free as in freedom, not free as in lunch, and anyone that practices it typically understands the high cost to ones’ self and ones’ family typically incurred while exercising your “right” to free speech. The very concept of “free” speech can only exist in a culture where there are people who feel the need to abridge the rights of other people, in order to prevent the expression of ideas and arguments that they find threatening.
Freedom of the press extends this concept to the recording and distribution of ideas and arguments throughout a society. However, the very finite resources of a set number of printed pages requires an editorial process that by its very nature will leave out a good percentage of content that otherwise would be suitable for coverage. And as any letter writer (or even mythically Ben Franklin) will tell you, the only way to truly have access to a free press, is to own the press, yourself. These days, the free press is...
The Haleakala Times
by Sam Epstein
Declare your own Independence
There is lots of talk going around Maui these days about free speech. What it is, who is making it, who is abridging it, and about how much should free speech actually cost. Free speech refers to speech being free as in freedom, not free as in lunch, and anyone that practices it typically understands the high cost to ones’ self and ones’ family typically incurred while exercising your “right” to free speech. The very concept of “free” speech can only exist in a culture where there are people who feel the need to abridge the rights of other people, in order to prevent the expression of ideas and arguments that they find threatening.
Freedom of the press extends this concept to the recording and distribution of ideas and arguments throughout a society. However, the very finite resources of a set number of printed pages requires an editorial process that by its very nature will leave out a good percentage of content that otherwise would be suitable for coverage. And as any letter writer (or even mythically Ben Franklin) will tell you, the only way to truly have access to a free press, is to own the press, yourself. These days, the free press is...
Voyage to show that all ‘is possible’

The Maui News
July 6, 2008
Kimokeo Kapahulehua and George Rixey gathered Thursday at Kihei Canoe Club to review a shopping list for their trek through the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The list included 625 eggs, lots of other protein and all kinds of carbohydrates, including “pastas, casseroles, rice, chili, bagels, oatmeal, oranges, orange juice, preserved fruits and yogurt,” Woodburn said.
The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photo
Fact Box
Transarchipelago voyage - the final leg
Monday Depart Hanalei Bay, Kauai, for 1,250-mile commute aboard the Lady Alice to waters off Laysan Island.
July 12-15 - Nonstop 480-mile paddle from Laysan to Kure Atoll, with crew members paddling in one-hour shifts, with rests in the escort vessel.
July 16-21 or 22 -
1,750-mile return commute aboard Lady Alice to Hanalei.
Information at Web site:
Send donations made to the nonprofit Hawaiian
Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society to 33 Wahelani St.; Kula 96790.
As a 1,670-mile transarchipelago voyage in a six-person outrigger canoe culminates this month, challenges persist - not the least of which is construction of bunks for 16 paddlers on the deck of the escort vessel.
"We've had to essentially build our accommodations on the Lady Alice because it's a fishing boat set up and designed to catch fish, not paddlers," said Jamie Woodburn of Kula, logistics guru of the Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Voyaging Society, speaking by phone Wednesday from Oahu.
"Right now we're working to...
Drought to cut cane planting
By EDWIN TANJI City Editor
The Maui News
July 6, 2008
Cane fields looked parched along Hana Highway near the intersection with Hansen Road on Saturday. Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. has said it will suspend planting through July because of inadequate surface water supplies. The Wailoa Ditch, East Maui Irrigation’s largest irrigation ditch, was running at just 8 percent of capacity last week. The county’s Upcountry reservoirs were also low.
Fact Box
DistrictJune 26-July 2June 19-25June 2007
Central Maui25.96 mgd25.85 mgd28.38 mgd
Upcountry8.61 mgd8.11 mgd10.25 mgd
Lahaina6.44 mgd6.68 mgd6.47 mgd
Hana0.36 mgd0.37 mgd0.34 mgd
Molokai1.41 mgd1.4 mgd1.51 mgd
Total42.78 mgd42.41 mgd46.95 mgd
WAILUKU - Water use around Maui County remained stable at the start of July, but the continuing drought conditions sharply cut into water flows out of the East Maui watershed.
The Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. said it had suspended replanting through July 14 with a hope that weather conditions will improve but said it may only be able to plant fields that can be supplied with well water.
"All planting and field preparation operations are affected," said Garret Hew, manager of water resources for the sugar plantation. "We're hoping the ditch flows will be restored. But if not, we're hoping we will have fields available for planting that can be irrigated with pump water."...
Flows in the Wailoa Ditch, which has a capacity of nearly 200 million gallons a day, were running between
The Maui News
July 6, 2008
Cane fields looked parched along Hana Highway near the intersection with Hansen Road on Saturday. Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. has said it will suspend planting through July because of inadequate surface water supplies. The Wailoa Ditch, East Maui Irrigation’s largest irrigation ditch, was running at just 8 percent of capacity last week. The county’s Upcountry reservoirs were also low.
Fact Box
DistrictJune 26-July 2June 19-25June 2007
Central Maui25.96 mgd25.85 mgd28.38 mgd
Upcountry8.61 mgd8.11 mgd10.25 mgd
Lahaina6.44 mgd6.68 mgd6.47 mgd
Hana0.36 mgd0.37 mgd0.34 mgd
Molokai1.41 mgd1.4 mgd1.51 mgd
Total42.78 mgd42.41 mgd46.95 mgd
WAILUKU - Water use around Maui County remained stable at the start of July, but the continuing drought conditions sharply cut into water flows out of the East Maui watershed.
The Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. said it had suspended replanting through July 14 with a hope that weather conditions will improve but said it may only be able to plant fields that can be supplied with well water.
"All planting and field preparation operations are affected," said Garret Hew, manager of water resources for the sugar plantation. "We're hoping the ditch flows will be restored. But if not, we're hoping we will have fields available for planting that can be irrigated with pump water."...
Flows in the Wailoa Ditch, which has a capacity of nearly 200 million gallons a day, were running between
$60,000 given to scholars, teachers
The Maui News
July 6, 2008
Lahaina Restoration Foundation funds go to west siders
LAHAINA - The Lahaina Restoration Foundation gave out $60,000 in scholarships, ranging from $10,000 to $2,000, to Lahainaluna High School graduating seniors and alumni and teachers from west side schools.
The awards were presented at the Lahainaluna High School Scholarship Program, held at The Royal Lahaina Resort in May. Scholarships and grants were presented in four categories: Lahainaluna graduating seniors applying to four-year colleges and universities; Lahainaluna graduating seniors to two-year postsecondary schools, Lahainaluna alumni currently enrolled in school or planning to continue their education; and West Maui teachers who wish to continue their education.
In keeping with the mission of the foundation, each applicant was required to write an essay relating to the importance of preserving the history and culture of West Maui.
Mariah Gill, a graduating senior, received the top award, ...
July 6, 2008
Lahaina Restoration Foundation funds go to west siders
LAHAINA - The Lahaina Restoration Foundation gave out $60,000 in scholarships, ranging from $10,000 to $2,000, to Lahainaluna High School graduating seniors and alumni and teachers from west side schools.
The awards were presented at the Lahainaluna High School Scholarship Program, held at The Royal Lahaina Resort in May. Scholarships and grants were presented in four categories: Lahainaluna graduating seniors applying to four-year colleges and universities; Lahainaluna graduating seniors to two-year postsecondary schools, Lahainaluna alumni currently enrolled in school or planning to continue their education; and West Maui teachers who wish to continue their education.
In keeping with the mission of the foundation, each applicant was required to write an essay relating to the importance of preserving the history and culture of West Maui.
Mariah Gill, a graduating senior, received the top award, ...
Maui AJA Veterans distribute $10,000 for higher education
The Maui News
July 6, 2008
SPRECKELSVILLE - The Maui AJA Veterans Inc. awarded 10 $1,000 scholarships to Class of 2008 members of local high schools.
Among recipients of the annual scholarship was Courtney Miyamoto, who was the Chrysanthemum Ball Queen in 2006. The scholarships are funded in part by proceeds from the annual event, whose name was changed to the Chrysanthemum Festival last year. The contestant who gathers the most donations for the veterans group earns the crown.
Miyamoto graduated in May from Baldwin High School and plans to study biology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her parents are Michael and Joyce Miyamoto.
The other 2008 Maui AJA Veterans Scholars, along with their school, educational plans, and parents or guardians, are:...
July 6, 2008
SPRECKELSVILLE - The Maui AJA Veterans Inc. awarded 10 $1,000 scholarships to Class of 2008 members of local high schools.
Among recipients of the annual scholarship was Courtney Miyamoto, who was the Chrysanthemum Ball Queen in 2006. The scholarships are funded in part by proceeds from the annual event, whose name was changed to the Chrysanthemum Festival last year. The contestant who gathers the most donations for the veterans group earns the crown.
Miyamoto graduated in May from Baldwin High School and plans to study biology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her parents are Michael and Joyce Miyamoto.
The other 2008 Maui AJA Veterans Scholars, along with their school, educational plans, and parents or guardians, are:...
Maui divers fear effects of beach restoration
Advocates say replenishment needed to slow pace of erosion
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
POSTED: July 5, 2008
The Maui News
With dive gear ready, Darrell Tanaka of Haiku surveys the beach at the west end of Kanaha Beach near the Kahului Wastewater Treatment Facility on Wednesday morning, expressing a need to discuss plans to restore a beach at Spreckelsville by dredging sand from offshore. That can affect crabbing and fishing grounds, he said.
SPRECKELSVILLE - Donald Okuda has been diving off Maui's north shore since he was 13 years old - 64 years ago. Sand replenishment on beaches worries him.
Even if the sand is clean, "when you dredge over it, it buries the life underneath the sand. You get a chain reaction."
Norm Ham, also a diver, says the disturbance of the crustaceans that are food for fish affects the fish. That affects the octopus that make their homes in the shallow reefs off Kahului.
"It damages the reef; it's not a natural thing," says Ham, who has been diving since the '60s.
The Board of Land and Natural Resources has approved a ...
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
POSTED: July 5, 2008
The Maui News
With dive gear ready, Darrell Tanaka of Haiku surveys the beach at the west end of Kanaha Beach near the Kahului Wastewater Treatment Facility on Wednesday morning, expressing a need to discuss plans to restore a beach at Spreckelsville by dredging sand from offshore. That can affect crabbing and fishing grounds, he said.
SPRECKELSVILLE - Donald Okuda has been diving off Maui's north shore since he was 13 years old - 64 years ago. Sand replenishment on beaches worries him.
Even if the sand is clean, "when you dredge over it, it buries the life underneath the sand. You get a chain reaction."
Norm Ham, also a diver, says the disturbance of the crustaceans that are food for fish affects the fish. That affects the octopus that make their homes in the shallow reefs off Kahului.
"It damages the reef; it's not a natural thing," says Ham, who has been diving since the '60s.
The Board of Land and Natural Resources has approved a ...
Students Get Glimpse of High Tech Future
The Molokai Dispatch
Super computers and top secret observatories visited.
Students use 3D glasses to watch satellites circle the Earth in real time at the High Performance Computing Center in the Maui High Tech Park.
By Howard Selnick
You would not believe the amount of doors that were unlocked for our Molokai middle school team to participate in a three-day technical career program held on Maui for students throughout...
Dowling Grant prepares science mobile
The Molokai Times
$25,000 allows youth to watch, make films
Kids on Molokai will be able to watch movies — and even make their own — after the closure of Molokai Ranch shuts down the only theater on the island.
Thanks to a $25,000 grant from Dowling Community Improvement Foundation, Maui Media Lab Foundation (MMLF) will be able to complete the transformation of an old school bus to a “science-mobile,” packed with equipment like satellite television, wireless Internet, and a full high definition-quality audio visual studio for recording and engineering.
The bus, donated to MMLF by Maui Economic Opportunity, was refurbished by high school students on Maui. Hāna, Baldwin, and Kekaulike High School students contributed basic clean-up, welding, power installation and other work to improve the bus and ready it for its new birth as a powerful teaching tool. The bus was shipped to Molokai at the end of May, where it was repainted by Molokai High School students and found a new home at the Hawaiian Learning Center.
The bus will travel to various schools and events on Molokai where students will learn to film their own sports events, encode the video with software and put it up on their own digital television channel.
Sam Epstein, executive director of the MMLF, said, ...
The Molokai Times
$25,000 allows youth to watch, make films
Kids on Molokai will be able to watch movies — and even make their own — after the closure of Molokai Ranch shuts down the only theater on the island.
Thanks to a $25,000 grant from Dowling Community Improvement Foundation, Maui Media Lab Foundation (MMLF) will be able to complete the transformation of an old school bus to a “science-mobile,” packed with equipment like satellite television, wireless Internet, and a full high definition-quality audio visual studio for recording and engineering.
The bus, donated to MMLF by Maui Economic Opportunity, was refurbished by high school students on Maui. Hāna, Baldwin, and Kekaulike High School students contributed basic clean-up, welding, power installation and other work to improve the bus and ready it for its new birth as a powerful teaching tool. The bus was shipped to Molokai at the end of May, where it was repainted by Molokai High School students and found a new home at the Hawaiian Learning Center.
The bus will travel to various schools and events on Molokai where students will learn to film their own sports events, encode the video with software and put it up on their own digital television channel.
Sam Epstein, executive director of the MMLF, said, ...
The Great Skate
The Molokai Dispatch
Local skateboarders jam it out in contest.
Photo Patrick Mason
People of all ages showed up to enjoy the first Maui Skate Tour Series at the Molokai skate park on Saturday. The event is the product of collaboration between the Maui County Parks Molokai district, Hi-Tech Skateboards, Aloha Skateboards, and the community.
“It is a great family oriented event allowing families to come together and enjoy the wonderful facilities we have here,” said Molokai Park District supervisor Billy Amoral, with a smile on his face. “It is always a success when
Ranch Won’t Budge on Water
The Molokai Dispatch
Details of MPL’s utility pullout continue to trickle in.
By Dispatch Staff
Proposed rate increases for west and central Molokai residents, will not ensure continued water and sewer services from Molokai Properties Limited (MPL).
In an attempt to buy time until another service provider could be located, the Public Utility Commission (PUC) took the unprecedented move of suggesting that MPL hike its rates for utility users. However, MPL CEO Peter Nicholas said in a June 23 letter to the PUC, that the proposed 121% increase and 41% increase for two of its three utilities, “will not...
Seabury Hall founder, 84, dies
July 3, 2008
The Maui News
“Having learned that new ventures do not require a thorough knowledge of the expertise needed . . . I decided to ‘go for the gold’ and move to Makawao and open the school.”
– Rodger Madden Melrose, in his autobiography
Roger Madden Melrose, the Episcopal minister who founded Seabury Hall, is being remembered as a "builder" and an "innovative educator."
Melrose, 84, of Kealakekua, Hawaii, died June 26, 2008, at his residence. An obituary was published Wednesday.
"Reverend Melrose was certainly the right person at the right time for the founding of Seabury Hall. He had a passion for young people and was an innovative educator. The many graduates of Seabury Hall are in debt to him for his vision and his passion for the school," said Seabury Headmaster Joe Schmidt.
Melrose's wife, Charlotte, called her husband a...
July 3, 2008
The Maui News
“Having learned that new ventures do not require a thorough knowledge of the expertise needed . . . I decided to ‘go for the gold’ and move to Makawao and open the school.”
– Rodger Madden Melrose, in his autobiography
Roger Madden Melrose, the Episcopal minister who founded Seabury Hall, is being remembered as a "builder" and an "innovative educator."
Melrose, 84, of Kealakekua, Hawaii, died June 26, 2008, at his residence. An obituary was published Wednesday.
"Reverend Melrose was certainly the right person at the right time for the founding of Seabury Hall. He had a passion for young people and was an innovative educator. The many graduates of Seabury Hall are in debt to him for his vision and his passion for the school," said Seabury Headmaster Joe Schmidt.
Melrose's wife, Charlotte, called her husband a...
Residents Held Hostage
July 2, 2008
The Maui News
It may take a legion of lawyers, a battalion of bureaucrats and an army of accountants to unravel the increasingly tangled affairs of Molokai Properties Ltd., which has shut down Molokai Ranch and is threatening to shut down two water companies and a sewage treatment system.
It seems when the conglomerate GuocoLeisure Ltd. bought the ranch in 1987, its investment strategy failed to consider how its plans would be met by the people of Molokai. Although the comparison is admittedly far-fetched, it sounds like GuocoLeisure made the same mistakes the U.S. made when it invaded Iraq - not enough attention paid to possible, or probable, consequences.
Some 1,200 residents of Molokai are now pawns in a three-way struggle between the state, county and Molokai Properties Ltd., which says it cannot afford to keep losing money on the two water systems.
Molokai Properties wants a subsidy in addition to higher rates. There is a strong implication the land company is ready to abandon the systems. Maui County's legal position is that the utilities should be forced to remain in operation. The county contends it is not able nor legally required to provide the utility services, and that Molokai Properties should face monetary and criminal penalties if it doesn't follow PUC orders. There are some who say it is the state that should be responsible for continuing services if Molokai Properties doesn't.
The situation poses some interesting questions:...
The Maui News
It may take a legion of lawyers, a battalion of bureaucrats and an army of accountants to unravel the increasingly tangled affairs of Molokai Properties Ltd., which has shut down Molokai Ranch and is threatening to shut down two water companies and a sewage treatment system.
It seems when the conglomerate GuocoLeisure Ltd. bought the ranch in 1987, its investment strategy failed to consider how its plans would be met by the people of Molokai. Although the comparison is admittedly far-fetched, it sounds like GuocoLeisure made the same mistakes the U.S. made when it invaded Iraq - not enough attention paid to possible, or probable, consequences.
Some 1,200 residents of Molokai are now pawns in a three-way struggle between the state, county and Molokai Properties Ltd., which says it cannot afford to keep losing money on the two water systems.
Molokai Properties wants a subsidy in addition to higher rates. There is a strong implication the land company is ready to abandon the systems. Maui County's legal position is that the utilities should be forced to remain in operation. The county contends it is not able nor legally required to provide the utility services, and that Molokai Properties should face monetary and criminal penalties if it doesn't follow PUC orders. There are some who say it is the state that should be responsible for continuing services if Molokai Properties doesn't.
The situation poses some interesting questions:...
Grant helps ready Moloka‘i Science Mobile
Grant helps ready Moloka‘i Science Mobile
1 July, 2008
Maui Weekly
Even after the closure of Moloka‘i Ranch shut down the only movie theater on the island, Moloka‘i keiki will be able to watch movies—and even make their own. A $25,000 grant from Dowling Community Improvement Foundation is giving Maui Media Lab Foundation (MMLF) the ability to complete the transformation of an old school bus into a “science-mobile,” equipped with satellite TV, wireless internet, and a full HD quality audio visual studio for recording and engineering. The bus, donated to MMLF by MEO, was refurbished by students from Hana, Baldwin and Kekaulike high schools who supplied clean-up, welding, power installation and other work. After re-painting by Moloka‘i High School students, the bus will be housed at the Hawaiian Learning Center and will travel to various schools and events on Moloka‘i where students will learn to film their own sports events, encode the video with software and put it up on their own digital television channel.
1 July, 2008
Maui Weekly
Even after the closure of Moloka‘i Ranch shut down the only movie theater on the island, Moloka‘i keiki will be able to watch movies—and even make their own. A $25,000 grant from Dowling Community Improvement Foundation is giving Maui Media Lab Foundation (MMLF) the ability to complete the transformation of an old school bus into a “science-mobile,” equipped with satellite TV, wireless internet, and a full HD quality audio visual studio for recording and engineering. The bus, donated to MMLF by MEO, was refurbished by students from Hana, Baldwin and Kekaulike high schools who supplied clean-up, welding, power installation and other work. After re-painting by Moloka‘i High School students, the bus will be housed at the Hawaiian Learning Center and will travel to various schools and events on Moloka‘i where students will learn to film their own sports events, encode the video with software and put it up on their own digital television channel.
MPL letter reaffirms position on utilities
MPL letter reaffirms position on utilities
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
July 1, 2008
The Maui News
In a letter to the Public Utilities Commission, Molokai Ranch has repeated its position that without outside money it will have to shut down its Molokai utilities Aug. 31.
The June 23 letter presents balance sheets showing actual and anticipated losses at the two water companies and the sewage treatment system. It says Molokai Properties Ltd., owner of the ranch, has had to inject almost $1.2 million in cash into the utilities over the past two years to cover losses and capital expenses.
The letter was a response to a PUC demand on June 13 for information about the utilities' application for a temporary rate increase.
In its own letter to the PUC, attorneys for Maui County argued that the utilities should be forced to remain in operation, and rejected the proposal that the county acquire the aging sewer and water systems. The county repeated its contention that it is not able to and not legally required to provide utility services.
The county response also noted that despite claiming to be insolvent, the utilities have not filed for bankruptcy.
"Should MPL continue to fail to comply with the PUC's orders, monetary and criminal penalties should be assessed," argued the county in its response,...
By HARRY EAGAR, Staff Writer
July 1, 2008
The Maui News
In a letter to the Public Utilities Commission, Molokai Ranch has repeated its position that without outside money it will have to shut down its Molokai utilities Aug. 31.
The June 23 letter presents balance sheets showing actual and anticipated losses at the two water companies and the sewage treatment system. It says Molokai Properties Ltd., owner of the ranch, has had to inject almost $1.2 million in cash into the utilities over the past two years to cover losses and capital expenses.
The letter was a response to a PUC demand on June 13 for information about the utilities' application for a temporary rate increase.
In its own letter to the PUC, attorneys for Maui County argued that the utilities should be forced to remain in operation, and rejected the proposal that the county acquire the aging sewer and water systems. The county repeated its contention that it is not able to and not legally required to provide utility services.
The county response also noted that despite claiming to be insolvent, the utilities have not filed for bankruptcy.
"Should MPL continue to fail to comply with the PUC's orders, monetary and criminal penalties should be assessed," argued the county in its response,...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Agency Alleges August Authorized Illegal Asset Transfers. Akaku's April Agrees.

The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs have requested another exemption from the law requiring public procurement of public access television services, citing His Honor Joel August's requirement that the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs perform proper rule making when combined with the fact that the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs declined to actually perform the proper rule making, that they committed to record in Judge August's courtroom, as the basis for the continued illegal procurement, read just giving money to someone with no basis in law, nor any enforcement of accountability.
Maybe Maui's honorable second circuit court might considering sharing their opinion on how they would expect any child in the State of Hawaii to ever take seriously again the jurisdiction of this court or any other in the face of such open corruption and conspiracy to evade the law by agents of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, officers of the State Procurement Office and local political party chairs.
Is this really the intent of your decision your honor?
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