Saturday, March 15, 2008

Support Taro Bill SB958

Steve Morgan/ Hui Ho’opakele ‘Aina
3/13/2008: The Molokai Times

On March 19, one of the most important bills in recent history regarding the native people of Hawaii will come before our legislature. This bill proposes to place a ban on any genetic cultivation or experimentation of taro for 10 years.

Taro has served as a source of sustenance and a staple to the Hawaiian people for almost two millennium.

Despite this, taro is much more than just food, in fact the core identity of the Hawaiian people is found within the taro plant itself, revealing the close connection to the ‘aina, the family structure and even the origins of the Hawaiian people. It was for this reason that King Kalakaua placed the ornamentation of gold taro leaves within his crown and it is for this reason today that drawings and images of taro serve as a symbol of identity for the Hawaiian people.

Regardless of your stand on the GMO issue and regardless of whether you are native Hawaiian or of any other ethnic background, please help give respect to something that is so foundational to our host culture by supporting the passage of Senate Bill # 958...

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