Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hope lies in buying Molokai Ranch

Honoulu Advertiser

By Phil Estermann

30 March, 2008

The decision last week by Molokai Ranch to shut down and lay off its employees has created stress and soul-searching for residents of the island.

People on Moloka'i need to remember that they have lots of friends who live off-island, people who care about them and their island, and who support their efforts to determine their own future.

As a former resident of Moloka'i and friend, I would like to offer my mana'o.

As many of us see it, Moloka'i is the "last Hawaiian island." It is dominated by an active population and civil society that welcomes economic development only if it can be accommodated to the life of the island. Development is welcomed only if it will sustain the good that's already there....

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