Saturday, March 15, 2008

Camp Akaku Chief Eats Keiki's Lunch

March, 2008, Kahului, Hawaii: Akaku: Maui Community Television, the State of Hawaii's, Public, Education and Governmental Access Community Television station, restricts student access to Maui's public access television facilities to ten children willing and able to pay $2000.00 to be allowed into Maui's only public access television studio for three days this month, and calls it camp. Indeed.

Offering a Young Reporters Camp is a wonderful concept. However, when Akaku: Maui Community Television President/CEO Jay April choses to exclude the children of the other, approximately, seventy thousand Maui residents living on our three islands that do not necessarily have the equivalent of a years worth of school lunch to give to a non-profit charity that receives more than a million dollars from the State of Hawaii and more than one hundred thousand dollars from the County of Maui annually, and that is chartered exclusively to provide public access to ALL of Maui's residents, especially our Keiki; well that seems a strange way indeed to "Empower the Community's Access to Media."

Anyhoo, when I was your age, camp was something you did OUTSIDE. Barefoot. Uphill. And both ways.

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