Wednesday, April 23, 2008

High tech mower needs no gasoline

Haleakala Times, 22 April 2008,

by Sam Epstein

Recent developments in alternative energy technology provide more than just promise as the cost of gasoline tops $4 a gallon with no sign of ever going down. It is a rare opportunity to be able to provide a review of one such product that actually performs as advertised, reduces recurring fuel costs to nothing, reduces carbon emissions by more than 95 percent, with increased efficiency that can get the job done in a quarter of the time while providing improved health care opportunities.

There’s a new alternative-energy lawn mower that is a perfect example of the kind of technology that not only performs well but really illustrates how off-track technology can take our society.

More importantly though, it demonstrates the numerous advantages of a good design that takes into account costs to the community as well as the cost to the user.

Yard maintenance cuts across all segments of our society, so advances in this field have the potential for...