Have you seen the book called The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, by Thom Hartmann? The revised and updated version is subtitled The Fate of the World and What we can do Before it’s Too Late. It’s one of many excellent books available today on this subject.
Since we recently passed the sobering milestone of five long years spent fighting an oil-generated war in Iraq, with now over 4,000 U.S. military personnel and many thousands of other people dead as a result (in addition to the massive amount of money being drained from our economy daily for this war), the information these books provide is more vital than ever; if you get a chance, read all about it.
High fuel prices are causing all sorts of havoc. Aloha Airlines, and now ATA Airlines, have folded, causing hundreds and hundreds of people here in Hawaii to be suddenly out of work. Can you think of creative, effective ways to help these people?
Gasoline hovers at $4 a gallon; our electric bills continue to increase, and we here on Maui continue to be disturbingly reliant upon imported goods for day-to-day living, from the food we eat to household items to building supplies to automobiles. And where does the petroleum fueling this lifestyle come from? The earth....