Friday, April 11, 2008

Akaku CEO April Calls Kids Pirates. Denies Maui Community TV Access to Hana, Lanai, Molokai, Hawaiian Homelands

Akaku CEO April Calls Kids Pirates. Denies Maui Community TV Access to Hana, Lanai, Molokai, Hawaiian Homelands.

Public court records on Maui show that Jay April's on going lawsuit against Maui's first high school student operated, digital community television station consist mainly of Mr. April's claim that only he has the right to give permission to air community television programming shown in Maui, and that it is illegal for kids, or anyone else to make Maui community television programming available on the Internet, by Youtube, or by any other means. Mr. April goes on to claim the law requires that all community television producers register their productions with the State of Hawaii's, PEG Access Provider for the County of Maui, and that by his authority as Chief Executive Officer and President of Akaku Maui's State Run Television station he maintains the right to sue anyone that makes Maui's community television producer's programming available anywhere other than on his local access cable television stations, regardless of whether or not cable television is even available in the more remote areas of Hana, Lanai, Molokai or elsewhere.