The State of Hawaii Legislature recently made a stand against corruption in politics and mismanagement of non-profit organizations operating in the State of Hawaii by not agreeing to be part of Maui County Democratic Party's Media Chair, Lance Collins' crusade to continue to stall the public procurement process of Public Access cable television in the State of Hawaii for no reason other to secure another exemption from public procurement, and continue to misappropriate precious Public Access dollars out of the State of Hawaii's public access organization for Maui County and hiring himself to file numerous, baseless lawsuits, without financial accountability, nor oversight, having exempted himself from the Sunshine Law, as Parlimentarian and Counsel to Akaku's Maui Community Television's Board of Directors, Illegal Lobbyist and well paid, lawyer for Akaku: Maui Community Television.
Big Giant Mahalos to all of our State Legislators and Senators for standing up for our Island Ohana, especially Representative Kyle Yamashita for representing the thousands of people that comprise your constituency with class, grace and dignity.
Lance D. Collins' Political, Karl Rove style, personal attacks in no way represent the thousand of Maui County Citizens and voters that will be coming to the polls this fall. They know that the politics of personal destruction certainly have no place in Maui Nui.
Maybe its time to go back home to California, Lance. As John Locke once said, Lance, "he who hath lost the election, is the loser."